Learn how to save energy and reduce pollution

You can’t manage what you don’t measure

Digiwatt allows you to disaggregate the electricity consumption of a house and understand how much each appliance consumes (without adding any sensor), in order to save energy and reduce CO2 emissions.

Artificial intelligence is a superpower

Digiwatt’s algorithms understand the user’s habits, track the consumption of each appliance and help to waste less energy, resulting in bill savings of 15/20%.

Disaggregation as a Service

Digiwatt disaggregation technology is available for utilities providers, real estate builders, in a white-label model as a single touch point between you and your customers.

Digiwatt energy disaggregation

NILM, Non Intrusive Load Monitoring

Data extracted from Digiwatt provide insight into what is happening in a home from an electricity perspective.
This information is important in order to optimize electricity production, improve the level of service to the Customer, and increase engagement.

Demand Response Ready

Implements demand response policies through Digiwatt.
The information analyzed enables the implementation of timely electric demand management systems for the users involved, ensuring economic incentives for participants.

Gamification of the Energy

Gamification is also possible using Digiwatt. The data allow you to indicate precise actions to reduce energy consumption and pollution. The user then actively participates in the energy transition by saving money and acquiring conscious behaviors

Anomaly Detection

Digiwatt can identify ongoing electrical anomalies within a home.
The anomalies are reported and help reduce household accidents.